I binged watched Japan Sinks 2020 on Netflix today and boy was it A LOT to take in.
Let me make one thing clear, is Japan Sinks 2020 still worth watching for your own personal experience? YES, there are scenes that are emotionally overwhelming, and breathtaking backgrounds. HOWEVER, the transition from these beautiful moments are rough and did not make me forgive the general frustration I had at the end of the season.
Off the bat, it follows a 14-year-old girl at track practice, a small earthquake happens and everyone thinks it is over than while in the locker room an even bigger one hits that injures and practically kills her entire team. Ayumu, the 14-year old, looks her teammate right in the eye saying help me and runs away. She leaves her entire team behind to run home and find her family. Ayumu gets immediate karma by cutting her leg and telling no one about it the entire time, the finally result is clearly avoidable and easy to predict

like many things in this show.
Her entire family survives just to separate from the pack and get it another serious of unfortunate events while traveling eat. I find out from the ending that most of these deaths associated with this change could have been avoided if they just went with the rest of the group because the kid, her mom saves when her plan crashed, survives. The entire series could have avoided so much pain in the process.
Without giving away spoilers, there are a lot of avoidable and/or poorly unexplained deaths that make you angry with the people that do survive.
If you like "this is the end" type shows, I would definitely recommend 7SEEDS. It is excellent at realistic character development and end of the world survival.
Well, I hope everyone has an amazing New Year. Tune in for more reviews, foods, and anxiety rants in the near future 😅